Monday, September 7, 2009

A Big Hosta Garden Thank You!

In recent post I have called the hosta plant the, "Friendly plant!" This has proven to be true over and over again. As a result of my zest to share my knowledge and beauty with you, my hosta garden has turned in to multiple hosta gardens thanks to the generous donors of this wonderful friendly plant known as the hosta.

Thank you Carl, in Wadworth ,who wanted me to come and look at his hosta garden to offer tips and ideas. He also wanted me to split a few of his hostas in his hosta garden to add to my hosta garden.

  • There is Jenny who didn't share the same passion as me in growing her hosta garden, so she called me to come and take her large hostas from her hosta garden.

  • Mary in Rittman loved her hosta gardens, but she wanted to share her shade loving plants with me so that I could expereince the same joy and serenity of the green that she experiences.

  • Lynn in Medina had beautiful hosta gardens and other perennial gardens, but wanted me to take a few from one specific garden because the deer were eating her plants.

  • Kathy in Norton said, "Come and get them" as a result of her overgrown beds of hostas.

Although I have collected the friendly plant by the truckloads, I still have many uses for each and every plant. If you have an abundance of plants and are willing to share, please do so.

Here are some other great ideas to think about when planting or dividing your hostas:

  • Border/Edging planting - Use hostas that are 12 inches in height or less but have increased horizontal growth to soften the edge.
  • Background planting - Large green hostas will show off more colorful plants.
  • Specimen planting - Unique hostas are allowed to grow into large clumps.
  • Ground cover planting - Hostas that are fast growers and form a thick mat of roots will cover the ground and prevent weed growth.
  • Highlight planting - Yellow and mostly white hostas can be a natural brightener for shady gardens or dark corners.
  • Container gardens - Miniature hostas create an entire scene in one pot, or add your favorite hosta to your annual summer container.

Thank you to all for sharing your passion for hostas with me. It is my hope to be able to continue to offer tips and ideas on how you can produce a beautiful hosta garden that will be the envy of all who visit your gardens.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for an interesting blog - we love hostas too!
